Sunday Love

Sunday Love

Wow, what a marvelous day.

Love is patient, Love is kind. (1 Corinthians 13:4)

The past two weeks at church we discussed ‘blind spots’. We all have them ……  even when we may not want to admit it, much less see them. When we discover our blind spots we are free to live the abundant life we were created to have.

So what do I do …… spend time in prayer and walk in the light. Do you ever have those epiphany moments …… about things in your life. Well I sure do, and I thank the Holy Spirit for being in my life. And yep, sometimes I even ask myself how long have I not seen that ……

I now know, because at times, my spiritual blindness not only hindered me from seeing God accurately, it also hindered me from seeing myself properly.

Blinded by selfishness …… Self-centered people want from others what is “due” to them. They’ve staked out their territory, and they expect everyone to honor their boundaries and their rules. Mature adults learn that their adolescent, selfish sense of entitlement hinders their ability to achieve all that God has in mind for them. They broaden their viewpoint from self-absorption to include the needs of others.

Humility is the key to overcoming selfishness entitlement …… Humility eliminates the self-centered arrogance that results in entitlement. Humility doesn’t climb over others. It reaches out to connect with others, appreciating them for who they are, not for what they can do for you. A humble person doesn’t use everything within herself to further her own cause, but rather her desires is to use whatever strength or position she has to help others meet their needs. As a result, the blind spot is removed, giving access to a rich life full of valuable connections with family and friends.

Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time, He will lift you up. (1 Peter 5:6)

Blinded by disobedience ……. We all do it. Even when we don’t lie to ourselves overtly, we keep busy enough to avoid looking at the true reality of a situation and ourselves. So often we are ignorant to our own blind spots. Oh yeah, sometimes it is hard ……. real hard to admit it. But I know deep in my heart, that to know God’s will, I have to do more than just read about it; I have to do what he tells me to do.  I must read the truth and incorporate it into my life. I must respond by doing the right thing. And thus acting on truth will remove this blind spot. All truth is from God, and truth conforms us to the way he created us to live. And I believe in truth He loves us and He created us to live in ways that produce the most satisfying, joyful, loving, and harmonious lives possible.

And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)

Have I mastered all areas in my faith ……no

We are not in heaven yet, we are not perfect.

But I am confident that God will continue to refine me and you too, by allowing us to stumble and then graciously pick us up to continue walking together.

So yes, I am comforted by the powerful words Jesus spoke before He ascended to heaven,

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

Have I spotted all my blind spots …… no

But, I see clearly that He is the designated driver of my life.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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