Sunday Love

Sunday love, all day long!

After a windy night we woke up to a cool and refreshing morning. I can’t believe in mid July I can actually sit out on the patio for my morning coffee and,
wait ……
is that a cool breeze …… I actually thought about getting my sweater. Did I wake up in Texas, haha!
Oh Sunday love!
After listening to Sunday church service, I went for my neighborhood walk.  With our recent ‘heat-wave’, I have not walked in a while and boy did it feel good. Feeling strong for sure. We are all on our own journey. There is not a single day that goes by that I don’t start without thanking God for who I am. Oh I know that I keep evolving.
And I have always said, I am indeed a ‘work in progress’. I most definitely stand on the truth that I am strong in Christ and will not waiver from the pressures of people. And of course with all that is going on, it might at times feel like I/we are trying to find ourselves. Making decisions that are good for me and stand strong in those decisions. It’s a constant practice, for sure.
I woke up to a sunny, gorgeous day, enjoying coffee on the patio with Riley by my side. Oh, yes, I know how blessed I am.
JOY – gladness not based on circumstance.
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This is the true shape of love

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3)
Sunday Love!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie