Sunday Love

Sunday Love

Wow, another one for the books!
A great Sunday service, a little shopping and a yummy lunch, oh yeah these ol’ girls are filled to the brim today …… did someone say TexMex, wink wink.
Sunday started with a little patio time with Riley and will end the same,
with a Full Moon eclipse, whoa!
Thank you Lord.
Just like I was reminded today; be in the present and do the right thing. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and not in your own strength.
(Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Self-Control) 
These are gifts (fruits) that are given to us, to live in freedom.
So, don’t forget who you are. The beloved daughter or son of God.
I want to walk on the path with Him.
I want to spend time with Him.

Conviction, Repentance & Freedom
Thank you Lord.
It’s Sunday Love!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God,  I acknowledge my desperate dependence on you. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that resides in me. Amen.