Sunday Love

Sunday Love

Early morning is still where the sweet spot is …… even more so during this hot hot month of August.
And watering my plants early seems to be working. Well, a couple of my beauties look a little worn out, can’t blame them. However, the sun shade for my baby hydrangeas seems to be working. It’s off in the morning for several hours then back on. I also transplanted a few plants to deeper pots and they shelter under the patio.
Gardening is still good for my soul, yep even in August.
Plus cooler temps are coming, wink wink!
A little time spent outside and then it’s back inside for round two of coffee and a yummy breakfast.
I’m such a homebody that staying in during these heat-filled days is not just safe for this ol’ girl, it’s brings a cozy calmness to my soul.
There are really a lot of activities to tend to and of course many that are
‘non-activities’, HA!
Reading, writing, cooking, listening to music – grateful beyond words, my Lord.
Because after all, it’s Sunday Love,
all day long.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for this day. I know with each new day I am awakened to feel your love and peace inside my heart and home. I am so grateful to experience and feel these changing seasons of quiet joy. Amen.