Sunday Moments

Sunday Moments
What is it about Sunday  ……

It’s still such a magical day, yep even in 2020.
Morning coffee is sweeter, Riley is so soft and hug-able ( no grrrrrr) as I squeeze him this morning!
As I watered my plants, I noticed a tiny beautiful flower poking up from one of the shrubs (yep the one that I transplanted many times) and promised to not move her again.
If there is one thing that I have learned; gardening fills my heart with love and peace. And if you keep at it long enough, it will at times break your heart. Yep, it takes time and experience to recognize that a tree, a shrub, or a plant will let you know if it just was not meant to be in that spot or that the squirrels and rabbits will eat every last bloom …… but, no matter what the cause, I simply look around and plan my next project.
Home has always been my favorite place to be. Caring for my home and tending to my garden has always been my favorite pastime.
It’s quite funny when I look back and see that even before retirement, I always longed to have plants around me. Feeding them, pruning them, loving them while thinking I gave them life when they actually gave it to me.
From days growing up in Iowa watching my mom’s lilac bush take over a corner in the front yard and a plum tree that produced the best plums I ever tasted. We even had a apple tree out back. No we did not live on a farm with lots of land. I grew up in a small house in a normal size suburb (it was the 50’s & 60’s), and yet I know that even back then my parents were connected in faith to this earth. The planting of the oak tree in front to give us shade and the mint bush by the back door that made our ice tea the best in the neighborhood, for sure!
I remember one neighbor growing rhubarb. Oh I loved her pies.
My days of living in an apartment where I surrounded myself with plants of all kind. No matter the size of my patio/balcony or lack of one because …… I had windowsills! Truth be told, I am not much of a windowsill gardener, mostly because my plants outgrow the windowsill!
I have been fortunate to call many places home; the midwest, the west coast, the east coast and you know my favorite is right here in Texas.
Sometimes the world is racing around us so fast that it’s hard to stop and smell the ‘garden’! It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and problems, especially right now, which is why I most definitely believe that stopping to care and nurture something, that many see as insignificant as a tree or flower not only allows me to see and feel the beauty of it I believe it might just actually be the hand of God.
There is a magnetic pull that reaches out to me in the garden. Could you imagine a world without trees, flowers and gardens.
I do believe beauty can be found anywhere. From the grandest gardens and homes to the place I/you call home, to a tiny plant in a jar on a windowsill.
Oh, I know that not all the seeds I sow will take root and grow but I know they bring me joy, love and peace and I will not give up surrounding my life with them.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie