Sunday Post

Sunday Post

Take a minute and close your eyes. Listen to the sounds of Jesus ……. he is here.
It’s a blessing beyond words to have the opportunity to sit on my patio, hot coffee in hand,  Riley laying near by and feel the wonders. They stir my soul.
Oh his faithfulness is never forgotten in our home.

Another glorious day in Texas is unfolding in front of me. And I am so thankful for it.
It’s unbelievable that we are ushering in the month of May tomorrow and all the sweetness of the month is upon us.
So much hope and dreams in Jesus name.
That overwhelming feeling when you just know …… you are where you’re suppose to be. You are who you’re suppose to be. You are you!
He is present in you and me.
Oh, I know it can be easy to forget.
Because after all that is the whole purpose of the evil one.
So yeah, we all get weary and feel burdens.
And then I realize that true peace and harmony comes from Him. I know that the path and the way of life can only be through Jesus.
So what has become normal in my life …… prayers and time with Jesus.
And its never too late to start.
And guess what, soon it becomes a part of who you are. When the life of Jesus is inside of you, the natural flow of life exceeds your expectations.
Doesn’t mean life will not bring weary and burdens. It means His strength inside of me and you is what gets us through them.
Sometimes it can be so simple, to take a moment and sit in peace. It’s about our choices. Do you ever think about enjoying the presence of God. Not asking for anything. Just listening.
When you love God with all your heart and soul, life shows up!
It reminds us that every thought and every second of our life matters.
It’s a two-way relationship, for sure.
God and me.
I seek him and he seeks me right back.
So yeah, there is a fabulous Summer season that is tap tap tapping on the door. Can you hear it?
He is so ready to take this path with me (and you)!
I love you Jesus.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie