Sunday Post

Sunday Post

Nothing better than starting this Sunday with the Christmas tree lights filling the room, hot coffee in hand, sitting in my favorite chair and my little drummer boy; Riley, already snoring in his bed nearby.
He is an early riser and takes his breakfast soon after. Me on the other hand likes to finish up my coffee before starting breakfast. Some days it’s another cup of joe or a mimosa but everyday for the next month will always be by the Christmas tree!
It might rain a bit later and that is okay with me. Errands were finished up yesterday so there is nothing but time to enjoy some football and let the coziness take over.
It’s still crazy how Thanksgiving Day is in a few days.
I think I was dreaming of turkey with mashed taters last night;  definitely wearing my baggy pants on Thursday, Ha!
But today is one of those days when socks and my long house dress/nightie is the OOTD.
At least it’s blue and white Cowboys colors, so I will be cheering the boys on in style!
Last week we played so dang good but against the NY Giants …… well let’s just say I could QB against them and win.
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Nothing better than No-plans Sunday.
If it does rain, at least I can sit out on the patio for a little fresh air. And after football, a little music and reading time. I just finished up my last book and started a new one. Nothing like a good book on a cloudy chilly day.
Who knows what’s in store for today – that is the whole idea of No-plans Sunday. Just let it flow!
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Many believe you are born with the innate ‘happiness’ gene or not. I don’t believe that. I do believe that we all have a certain ‘set point’ but that accounts for maybe about 40% of our happiness. So what about the other 60%.
Of course our life circumstances account for, let’s say 10%. And for you nay sayers, even if our life circumstances account for 20%, that leaves either 50% or 40% that is determined by our actions and choices.
That is a lot of control.
There are so many myths about happiness ……
Money doesn’t make you happy. (We all need money to cover the basics of food, shelter and clothing) However, getting more and more of it and hoarding it has been proven that it does not increase long term happiness. Why yes, this is coming from the girl who loves decorating. It might have taken me a while but I have learned to use what I got and of course I buy with a plan. I keep things that are meaningful and definitely donate as needed. What is important for me is that my home is filled with love, peace and soothes my soul.
You need a partner to be happy. Well of course being in a loving relationship with a partner can contribute to happiness. Although, being single does not diminish one’s happiness or living a fulfilling life. Having a long term marriage or relationship does not necessarily lead to prolong or intense happiness in life. In fact,  I know that I am responsible for my own happiness and expecting a partner or someone else to provide it can only add more conflict.
Happiness declines with age. This myth is always so funny to me. Of course the longer we live, we experience loss and yet losses and negative consequences teaches us and provides opportunity to experience more of life. I have never been a ‘push-over’ and yet the older I get, there is a more relaxed and calmer attitude that is easier to maintain. Aging allows me to see different perspectives and appreciate them.
So a simple way to increase your happiness;
Teach yourself to express Gratitude!
Yep, that’s the secret and yet it’s really not a secret after all.
Gratitude will help you experience more positive emotions. And that will make you feel better about yourself and others. And that also will strengthen your immune system. I know that it also will make you smarter about how you spend money. Bonus!
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So there you have. Sunday with no plans, taking care of myself and Riley’s health and well being and always always giving thanks.
Go Cowboys!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for my Riley. I am grateful for my friends and family. I am grateful for my food, shelter and clothing. I can feel you Lord, in my life and heart and I am thankful for your presence. Amen.