Sunday Sing-a-Long

Sunday Sing-a-Long
You know that feeling when all you want to do is sing and praise God for another glorious day! Oh, the music of life.
Even the morning sprinklers carry a rhythm of their own.
Morning coffee with a slight breeze makes my toes tap tap tap. Riley seems a little annoyed …… he is focused on morning squirrel patrol.
But any hoo, the singing continues as I make breakfast before watching Sunday service. And that too reminds me just how important the songs of our hearts do fill us with love from God.
The psalm’s (songs) of David which are written with deep beautiful love and illustrates his relationship with his Lord, the Savior – God.
And although my songs, obviously are not found in scripture, they are most definitely full of love and joy and provide a way for me to communicate with Him – God.
Some days I find myself humming away. Other days the music is set to ‘loud’.
Music is like a refreshing drink of water, or in my case a tall glass of sun tea! Hey, y’all, I live in Texas.
Music has always been a big part of my life. What is in my heart, comes out in the music. I cannot keep quiet about the music God has placed in my heart. My trust lies in Him. My music will never stop.
So yeah, go sing it, dance it, live it – all the songs in your heart.
It’s Sunday Sing-a-Long, y’all!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie