Sunday Solace

Sunday Solace

The ability to sit outside in January and feel the warm sunshine on your face. It’s like the energy field around me is full of electricity and yet so gentle that I  feel a sense of peace and calm.  I know Riley wanted to go for a walk but I wanted more rocking chair time and soon he was laying in the yard as if to say to me, ‘yep, it’s Sunday and a mighty nice one too, let’s stay right here’. 
I keep saying it …… patio time is beyond. 
And soaking up the sun on a chilly winter day after watching church service, well the wonders keep coming! 
I made a promise to myself. I will take a pic or two and then I take my phone back inside to return my attention to ‘absolutely nothing’. Oh I admire the trees, birds and sounds for sure. And then I let their rhythm fill my soul. 
As the day moves on, some football to watch is definitely on the agenda. And who knows, a little more patio time in between is always on tap. 
Sunday Solace