Sunday Special

Sunday Special

Oh the joy of waking up to see a little frost on the ground, weeeeeeee! Not so sure Riley was as happy about it as he skips over patches of grass, Fa lalalala! 
Everyday is special, but Sundays in December …… it’s the union of all blessings! 
No matter what has happened (and boy a whole lot has happened this past year), and I begin to see the end of the year approaching, I am filled with love and peace.
And yes,  I know that many of us do not share the same reality; and yet the truth is the truth. 
God is good. 

There is power in knowing that He knows my heart.  There is freedom in knowing that we can be open to our uncommon traits and yet be filled with nothing but hope for the future. 
It’s Sunday; the sun is shining, there is a chill in the air, Sunday service was amazing and yep …… the Cowboys’ game will start soon! 
I wish for you a Special Sunday, (no matter what team you root for today)!  
Go Cowboys!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for always listening. May you continue to coat me in strength, love and peace. Amen.