Sunday Special

Sunday Special
Wow, I knew this week felt so special. Watching the World Series has been fun. Of course I have to root for the Astros since we will not discuss the Rangers. Maybe next year!
And since they won last night, I was up a little past my bedtime because I needed to calm down a bit, it was an exciting game.
And who knew, even the Hawkeye’s game was fun to watch. And now, C’mon Cowboys.
Woot Woot!
And starting the day watching Sunday Service …… well yeah, these feelings I have had in my heart this week – Prophetic!

Of course it matters what’s in my (your) heart.
It’s eye-opening to see when someone does things from their heart vs what’s only convenient for them. Oh but Jesus – sees it all.
And when I encounter people like that, I remember I have the value of whats in my heart. Keeping commitments, keeping my word and doing even the smallest and sometimes hardest things to honor the life I have. It’s real, it’s my life.
And I am in peace, knowing my heart is full of faith.
And He knows, I get excited and passionate for my daily routines; Prayer and worship time – priceless.
If you are faithful in the little things, you will be faithful in the large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16:10. 
Everything is important, everything matters. I will never let apathy enter my body. Oh yeah, with all everyone has gone through the past couple of years, it’s easy to become disappointed.
And yet, we all have the power of what we allow in our hearts. Our thoughts and attitudes shape the deepest part of our being.
I say it over and over …… I will never lose hope.
There are times when everything just clicks. And there are times when life just hasn’t worked out the way we thought it would. I know how important it is to keep my heart in good condition. So when negative circumstances happen and the turmoil of the world is on 24/7, my heart will remain at peace.
I want to continue waking up each day knowing that I spend time with God.
Doing the right thing doesn’t mean you ignore your feelings, it means you can do even the hard and inconvenient things through His strength and power.

I know that by following Jesus, I have been restored.
And more importantly; Rest for my Soul.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie