Sunday State of Mind

Sunday State of Mind

Oh it’s here to stay!
Yep, it’s Hot Hot Hot August in Texas and a beautiful day, for sure.
My soul is on fire.
For so so many reasons ……
I listen to my soul …… it knows the way.

God’s favor surrounds me — and my faith releases it.
I feel it … I see it … I know it …
Glory to God!
Now c’mon people, it’s a Sunday State of Mind ……
Relish it
Savour it’s fruit
Inhale it’s delicacy
Splash in it’s juices
Embrace it’s truth!

I will lift my hands as high as I can and I will sing His praises as loud as I can.
I turn to Jesus.
Which gives me my Sunday State of Mind …… everyday!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God,  I declare your blessings over my life. Thank you for your protection and guidance that surrounds me at every moment. In Jesus name, Amen.