Sunday Sweetness

Sunday Sweetness!
There is nothing better than waking up to Sunday Sweetness, c’mon y’all …… It’s Sunday!
That little soft paw touching me to get up and start the day. Morning prayer with strong coffee and Sunday services.
A nice lunch with my sister and of course a Spicy Bloody Mary, can I get a hallelujah!
And all this before football starts.
Can you believe we still had a little snow on rooftops and the lawns this morning. We do not often get snow here, yet yesterday we had that purdy white stuff all around. It was special indeed.
And today we have blue skies and lots of sunshine.
Sunday Sweetness!
It still blows my mind that we are starting a new year and a new decade. I see the beauty all around and it just keeps getting better.
Oh yeah, life is complicated, no doubt, yet my vision has never been clearer. I know that I am His vision and He knows He is my vision.
That is sweetness to the max!

I don’t know what life has in store for me, but I know that I feel more confident than I have in past decades. I have the love and strength of Jesus Christ; it’s in me!
I am going to gasp with ooh and ahh’s at the sunrise and sunsets. I am going to gasp and marvel at the thunderstorms and the rainbows left behind. I am going to let life take my breath away.
I am going to look at life through the eyes of God.
I/we are His vision. So yeah, I will be amazed, I will gasp with ooh and ahh’s at his creation.

It’s the beginning of a new decade; I will set the boundaries now. I know that through Him, anything is possible. Strong and vulnerable, fierce and feminine, daring and dutiful, quiet and wild, free and belong, yep I will let it take my breath away!
Dear God,
I only feel the possibilities and wonders yet to come. I thank you for all the beautiful and miraculous things that continues to take my breath away each and every day!

Blessings from our home to yours. Peace be with you.

the Scottie