Sunday Symphony

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My Sunday Symphony!

Oh yeah, it started this morning and is still playing into the evening.

I once heard that 9 out of 10 children get their awesomeness from their aunt, just call me Auntie, teehee!

I know that I am not in competition with anyone, I simply just want to be a better person than I was yesterday!  Oh I stand tall; I may have fallen apart but I survived.
Here’s a secret; eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure.

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Calm home, Calm heart, Calm life.

Yeah, I once was told that I was not born with wings, it was only through sheer inner strength, my unwavering faith and resilience that I have grown them!

Everyday I choose Joy. It’s an automatic response to my life. I know my experiences are gifts from God.
It’s the symphony of my life.

And I know, it’s not over yet!
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Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.
I simply open my hands and trust to receive His grace.
This life is made up of tiny little 🎵notes 🎵and my soul is the symphony.

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The music is still playing, my feet are still dancing and my Sunday Symphony continues.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie