Sunday Vision

Sunday Vision

Now c’mon people …… today’s church service was a special treasure.
Worship songs were awesome and then for the next hour the spirit of God filled the place with love and wisdom.
This past week has been spent watching the beauty of nature growing and showing me all of it’s colors. And just like the seeds of my plants that I water, it’s God, that makes them grow. Just like the seeds planted inside of me and you.
You can’t reap if you don’t sow.
‘Obedience is God’s love language’.
It was mentioned in our service today.
We all need reminding; it’s what He says that is true, good and real. Regardless of what I (we) feel, think, want or desire.
Jesus is the teacher. My teacher. He wants me and you to live life.
Because, ‘Unused revelation hardens your heart’. You know, when you hear from God but you don’t listen/obey.
Oh this may sound heavy and hard.
But obedience is freedom!
I can’t stop/won’t stop believing, that in His presence is fullness of joy.
Heaven on Earth, for sure.
So, how has God found me ……
a girl after His own heart.
His divine grace is empowerment. Remember, the chains can’t keep this girl (or you) down. Obedience chooses His will for my (your) life.
So I will keep planting and watering and believe in faith, God will make it grow.
Sunday Vision

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you that even in the midst of storms in my life as I continue to plant and water You will make it/me grow. It’s only through your power and authority that these seeds I plant will grow inside of me. Amen.