Sundays are the Best!

Sundays are the Best!
Morning sunshine, breakfast of champions with a side of mimosa, all before church service ……
Sometimes Riley gives me the side eye 👁 as I dance around even before my first sip of coffee, but hey, I still pick him up and hug him so tight! 
After all, it’s a new day, and there are no giants in my way!
Ask and believe
His grace is faithful. 

Yep, woke up with that extra little giddy-up in my step. (Ahem, and the mimosas keep it going), teehee! 
 It’s easy to get caught up in the pattern of life until you are forced to switch things up. And then you are like ‘holy s- – – , this life is amazing! 
And the one thing I know for sure is that there is no room for the devil to get in. 
Nope, there is supernatural peace that resides here. It’s just sometimes I need to be reminded that the Spirit of Christ gives us peace of mind and heart that is outside of circumstance. 
Sundays are the Best! 
Blessings from our home to yours. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie