Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams
Sometimes I can’t wait until night comes and I know that I will be heading off to slumber-land soon! There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking forward to a nite of sweet dreams. You know sometimes you just gotta keep things simple. 
A nice quiet Saturday spent at home with my little Riley, so perfect …… and then I realize my little buddy will be next to me all nite, oh yeah …… sweet dreams are coming, for sure. 
I hear Riley already starting to snore a bit, teehee …… don’t worry little buddy, we will be in sync soon. 
Do I believe God talks to us in our dreams, why yes I do. But then, I believe He is always talking to us, day and night; through our visions, thoughts and dreams. I believe He communicates with us at anytime, in any fashion and there are no limitations to the might and reach of His Spirit. 
I pay attention to symbolism (that make sense to me) in my dreams. I heed their messages and I back it up with more prayers and counsel. 
So yeah, I am looking forward to sweet dreams tonight. After all, it was most certainly a sweet day. 