Sweet Saturday

Good morning sweet Saturday!

When you wake up to a gentle furry paw resting on your arm …… well …… you know the day is already seeping with sweetness.

It’s the day before Super Bowl, yay!


It’s the 2nd day of the 2nd month and the start of the 2nd year in our forever home!

🏡 🐾🐾 🏡

How sweet is that!

Whoa, the 2nd month of 2019 ….. already.

Let’s Do This!

We are ushering in some pretty warm temps here and watching the Super Bowl in shorts and flip-flops …… now that is my kind of weekend!

Our Saturday started surrounded by God’s beauty, grace, peace and love.

Oh yes,

My life has been reshaped by the power of His Word and the Holy Spirit. I believe that some of the greatest spiritual blessings in my life have come through undesired earthly circumstances. And yeah, maybe at the time, I am thinking ‘why me’. And then I feel the gentle nudge …… to view the circumstance through the eyes of the incredible blessings and assurances we have in Christ.

I know that my good health, my forever home, my Riley and yes even my strength are some of Gods blessings in this glorious life of mine, which I am forever grateful. Yet, I know that because of the gospel the greater blessings in my life is of character,  that God is working on in me.

So yes, I proclaim today that I am truly blessed because Christ is working and living in me, even when circumstances may seem far from being blessings.

I woke up with a furry paw on my arm and Jesus on my mind.

Best wishes for a Sweet Saturday filled with Love, Light and Grace.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie

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