TaDa Tuesday

TaDa Tuesday!

There is something so special about quiet time and all you hear are the sounds of this heavenly earth.
The gentle rain drops bouncing off the roof this morning ……. ahhhhh so refreshing!
Well, that and the occasional bark and growl of Riley as he chases the squirrels …… getting soaked. But he does not seem to even notice.


That’s exactly how I feel this morning. No distractions, only calm peaceful waves of the cool breeze surrounding me.
Mornings are magnificent, for sure!


We end our series at church this week about ‘Facing our giants’. It was such a great way to do it. We wrote down one of our giants on a piece of paper, threw it on the floor, stomped on it, (okay I really enjoyed that part, I think I might have given mine a poke of my heel too) and then we took communion.

There is something special about Sunday service for me.

I give myself away.
It wasn’t always this way. Thank goodness, God is good.

Jesus is the story …… not me.
And what he knows about me is so much more important than what people think about me.
(Some people will always gossip and have negative comments because my spirit irritates their demons)

God has a plan …… I trust it, live it and enjoy it!

There is peace and freedom knowing that no matter what, He is with me. Always has been, always will be.

Trust it, Live it, Enjoy it!

TaDa Tuesday, y’all!


Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie