TaDa Tuesday

TaDa Tuesday, y’all!
Hey, I wake up and say …… thank you God!
And yes, I may not be wonder women but I do things that make you wonder, teehee ……
c’mon, that was a little funny!
Nothing but good thoughts today.
Right, true, good and ever so bright; all coming from inside.
It’s the start of February 2021, well I know it’s actually the 2nd but you know what I mean.
And even though it seems as if this pandemic is spreading faster, I will remain hopeful for the future.  I may still need to shelter in place and see only those in my bubble for quite some time, yet I refuse to give in to negativity. Of course I live in the ‘real’ world. We are starting a new year and this pandemic is still here, taking more lives. Which is why my faith grows stronger and stronger every day. And my foundation remains solid and strong because of it.
He is the ultimate source of hope.
I remain ever so thankful.

Hearing from my friends and family by text or phone calls is not the same as seeing them and hugging them, for sure …… and yet I know, we are all going through this together.
I will walk through the neighborhood with Riley by my side, breathe in the fresh air, hear the sounds of nature and keep laughter close by.
(These are things in my gratitude journal of life)
I know that my body, heart and soul must stay strong and persevere. I will not let giving up be an option.
That is what the enemy wants.
There is so much more to see, feel and hear and I will be here for all of them for a long, long, long time!
As I sip my coffee and look at those dark brown eyes, he is telling me …… get up girl, it’s time for a little walk and some sunshine! Oh, I love Riley and Texas too!
(What is done in love is done well)
 It’s TaDa Tuesday, y’all!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, you brought me to a new day, take my hand for I cannot make it on my own.