Take Joy Seriously

Take Joy Seriously! 
I don’t dwell on things I wished I knew, I take Joy seriously each day. I am open to learn, see and feel new things every day. 
I most certainly believe in divine timing. I will keep stepping forward because He is with me; every step of the way! 
Oh it’s true, your heart stays young and yet some days your body wants to remind you of your age, but that’s when I give it a little kick in the …… and a double kick some days! (Maybe thats how I pinched my nerve, lol) 
Yes, I am a girl with multiple personalities 
👟 👠 🩴 
And don’t forget it.
Oh yeah, I take my Joy seriously! 
My story is hardly over …… 
Heck no, it’s not my 2nd act, 
 It’s number ?
well,  I quit counting because I own this book and no ending pages in sight! 
One thing I have learned is I may walk through fires and the longer I live, I will encounter more of them but He is walking with me and clears the path. 
This I feel deep in my heart and soul. 
I love traditions and rituals for sure and yet I know that age also gives me the opportunity to  uncover new things and break cycles. 
Age has taught me to set my own expectations rather accepting those imposed on me by culture, my career and relationships. Now that deserves a hallelujah! 
Now right about now, some may be thinking …… she has lost it, she is delusional. 
So then it would be delusional for me to put my infinite trust in a force that I cannot see or touch …….
Not anymore delusional then I am all alone and have no connection to the universe and the One who created it. 
Hey, if I am delusional, let me tell you at least I have chosen a delusion that brings me true Joy! 
I take my Joy seriously. 
And don’t forget it! 
My hope for you is Joy.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie