Take your Lid off Sunday

Take you Lid off Sunday!

Oh no, she’s gone a little cuckoo, haha.
My Lid is off and I am wide open …… I wish I could take credit for that but after listening to church service this morning, I was reminded to take my Lid off and let the love, peace, wisdom and joy of the Holy Spirit ……
My friends and family already believe my Lid has been off for most of my life and …… and they are so right ……
a little reminder this morning helps!
If you know me even a smidge then you know that this girl, (with her Scotty by her side), gives thanks to God everyday, and to the Spirit that can only be given by Him. He restores my perspective and the truth of what I cherish about the life I have.
Accept Him into your heart, because He is the only way.

Part of this human experience is that we are all called to take responsibility for our own experiences of life, including our own happiness, which doesn’t depend on the outside environment being any different. Clarity of mind, love, and joy is an inner state of being – it’s up to each of us. We have the choice each day to be a beautiful human being. What are you waiting on ……
Take your Lid off!
This crisis/pandemic is here to wake us up. This time in our lives is a turning point …… it’s a time of change, a time for redirection, and calls us all to rise above the noise, to see the bigger picture, and find a higher meaning. I believe this crisis calls on us all, maybe a little differently but universally so we can see each other and our life with a renewed perspective.
Life is precious beyond all of our comprehension, no matter what appearance is happening in the external world.
I give thanks to God for every breath, every heart beat and this truly amazing gift of life.
My Lid is off, hope yours is too!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scotty

God, please let me embrace the unpredictability of life. Continue to open my eyes, my heart and my mind.  Amen.