Tan·​nen·​baum Thursday, December 14

Tan·​nen·​baum Thursday, December 14. 

The German word meaning Fir tree but in December it refers to Christmas tree. 
And of course keeping up with our tradition, morning coffee next to our Christmas tree, coffee cup in hand and my little drummer boy, Riley laying nearby. 
After breakfast and a quick run to the grocery store we went for our morning walk. What a treat that the weather has been nice enough that we get to enjoy a second walk in the late afternoons. 
Oh the cold won’t keep us in,  only if it rains. Riley is not a big fan of rain and especially in the winter. Of course even in warm months, there is a little coaxing going on and I don’t blame him. I sometimes need a little coaxing when it’s raining, I do like watching a nice garden-variety type rain sitting next to the windowsill or out on the patio when we can. 
But this month when the rain comes (and it’s coming), we will be comfy cozy inside by the tree.
Oh Tan·​nen·​baum! 
Not much more this girl can ask for. 

I most definitely get lost inside the magic of Christmas. Time to forget any troubles and give thanks for life. Our time here has a limit and this time of year reminds me to not just give thanks but to enjoy the time. Aging is one of the greatest gifts. 
Listen to your heart, that’s where your power comes from. 
‘I dwell in possibility’ Emily Dickinson. 
‘If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it – usually to those closest to us’ Father Richard Rohr. 
Remember, you don’t have to be perfect, you can be kind! 
Oh Tan·​nen·​baum, Oh Tan·​nen·​baum
We are in a Christmas state of mind!