Tenacity Tuesday Y’all!!


Good morning y’all!

It is Tenacity Tuesday. And just what does that mean you ask……….. well for me it means………

  • stay consistent
  • stay persistent
  • stay steadfast
  • stay determined
  • stay insistent
  • stay relentless
  • stay endless

No matter what life throws at you……always always always……..believe in yourself and believe that you do make a difference. I know for me I use to think that when someone called me tenacious, relentless and yes sometimes insistent……(go figure, right) anywho, I did not always take these comments as a compliment. But you know what…….they are traits that I hope to have forever.

Sure life can get me down………I am human (last time I checked in the mirror) just this morning,  (you remember my morning dance in front of the mirror don’t you) – Consistent.

I believe in my heart that it is so easy to warm the souls of people in your life, (always believe in them) – Persistent.

Support and help others (never give up on people)  – Steadfast.

Wake up each day, smile and be grateful (Show up) – Determined.

Keep that burning desire to help others (be a positive influence) – Insistent.

Never ever give up on your dreams (everyone makes mistakes, forgive yourself and then keep moving forward) – Relentless.

Always, always, show your love, compassion and kindness to others, (warm the souls around you and you will feel the warmth in yours) – Endless.

So go out and show your courage, spunk, heart, moxie today.  Spread your sunshine to warm the souls around you. Be the person you want to meet!

The doggedness of my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie is ready for Tenacity Tuesday to start! I promised him a long walk today, how does he remember!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

Baby Riley
Baby Riley


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