Terrific Tuesday!


Hi y’all!  Now don’t you think that Tuesday is one of the best days ……c’mon ….. it really is!

Let’s make Tuesday Terrific!

Make Today Count, You Will Never Get It Back (Give Thanks)

Carry Out a Random Act of Kindness Today

People Cross Our Path For a Reason, Share Your Smile With Everyone You Meet

Listen To Music Today ?

Life Is Tough, But So Are You

The Sign Of a Beautiful Person, Is They Always See Beauty in Others……Show Your Beauty Today

My mother taught me that no matter what, get up, dress up, show up and never ever give up!  Oh, Mom I miss you so much, but you are always here on my mind, in my heart and part of my soul.

So today, get up, dress up, show up and listen to the voice of your soul. See it’s already getting warmer ….. now go spread that warmth with everyone you see today.

Girls, ,remember a smile is the best makeup we can wear. Well of course some cute heels are kinda nice too! ?

Riley and I send you love and kindness today and of course we would love to hear from y’all, woof woof ??

Co-Pilot Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie

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