Testimony Thursday

Testimony Thursday

Wow, morning coffee on the patio season is upon us. What a way to start my day. Hot coffee, green grass, birds singing, my comfy rocker and Riley by my side.
Heaven on earth.
We end the day out on the patio and begin a new one witnessing the glorious wonders of God.
I normally have one cup of coffee each morning and yet today I must have a second. Neither one of us wants to go in!
Well of course just to make my next cup, (I don’t have a coffee maker) on the patio, but I’ve thought about it. But then it would need to turn into a wine bar for later, hmmm!
Now of course if I get a second cup, Riley gets a second biscuit.
He so deserves it.
Oh my, today is definitely starting off in the presence of God.
Rising above something isn’t about claiming some moral high ground. It’s about connecting. I don’t rise above to get away from problems. Unfortunately problems will exists. I rise above to find perspective. That then allows me to return to peace.
Quiet time on the patio, thanking the One who never leaves my side.

Yep, all of this with just my first cup!
Watch out Thursday, the second cup will be kicking in soon.
Of course I keep up with the news. What is going on in Ukraine is horrible. I who get to have my morning coffee on the patio still have hope. Just look at Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He will never give up hope and is most definitely the opposite of despair.
Spiritual practice is an everyday practice for me. I guess if one becomes spiritual during a crisis is better than not at all but I know that it is part of my soul and has carried me through the tough times as well as the good times.
I believe hope is stronger than despair, love is stronger than hate, and nothing is impossible with God.

It’s Testimony Thursday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for never leaving my side and showing me how to evolve. Never giving up, remaining hopeful and full of love and kindness. Amen.