Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday,

all day long y’all!

So grateful for a blessed summer, and we are looking forward to our Fall season.

Yep, I am one of those people who starts thinking about Fall in September …… even with temps still at or near 100 …… yikes!

Hey when football season finally arrives, this is one happy girl!


What we surround around ourselves is so important. It’s all about a higher level of existence. For me, it’s about my Spiritual focus.

He carries me from season to season with so much love and passion. And if I really take the time to pay attention, the path is well lit.

When I start the day with an extra little giddy-up in my step ……. all I can say is thank you, God.

Thankful Thursday, all day long!

He reminds me to believe, dream and be positive.

It’s not the loud voices and lies that command my attention, it’s the gentle whisper that I hear in my heart that ignites my soul.

Oh the seeds we sow.

I want to remain a witness to all His goodness for a long long time, full of His love and grace. (Cranky old people were cranky young people)

What we are today, is what we will be more of in the future; my mother taught me this.

Hey, it’s true, growing old is not always easy. That is one of the reasons the Lord tells us to give thanks in all things; always always, and never give in to the temptation to gripe and complain.

 I want to remain a powerful witness to His love and grace …… yep even in old age. Oh, I know he is truly walking with me each and every day.

Thankful Thursday, all day long.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie