Thankful Thursday

It’s Thankful Thursday y’all,

all day long!

Cloudy mornings bring a special sense of peace to me. And today it even caused my little furry four-legged alarm clock 🐾🐾  to stay in bed just a little longer. A slight breeze on the patio and warm coffee to gently usher in another glorious day …… thank you God.

The sounds of nature outside brings heaven to my soul, light in my heart and Angels all around.

I think the Fall season is just around the corner for us, yippee! I so look forward to cloudy rainy fall days. There is nothing like a good book, a cup of tea and snuggles with my Riley.

So thankful.

Unconditional happiness is not a fairy tale. It blooms from within …… for everyone!


Quiet and meditation time is so healing. It rejuvenates me and opens my eyes. I have always believed that happiness is an ‘inside’ job and no-one can take over that assignment, so don’t let them!

Watch and feel the joy that will sweep over you.

Patio time provides me the place to honor the One who makes it all possible. He reminds me of the things that are worthy of praise. It’s impossible to understand or explain God’s supernatural peace, but when experienced, we know it is a gift of grace.

Give thanks, always always.

Boundaries, space and silence ….. just to be.

Oh I know who has my back. It’s most definitely where my strength comes from. He expects me to move forward in faith.

And I know he takes care of me so I can take care of myself.

Self-care is not superfluous or just another unimportant buzzword. Self-care is a matter of stewardship—a faithful partnership with God to care for our whole selves.

And yes, my self-care beliefs and habits begin at the soul-level with God in prayer and scripture reading. And it goes beyond …… reminding me that even small choices like  daily exercise, eating healthy and having routines are things that replenish my mind, body, and soul.

And guess what, not all self-care is fun. I have never been one of those girls who can’t wait to get to the gym, yet once I am there I know it’s where I should be.  Fun is not grabbing a handful of almonds instead of a bowl of ice cream or skipping the glass of wine for water …… but it is my commitment to honor God by investing in my overall health and thanking Him for this life.

It’s not what I do …… it’s what You have done in me.

Thank you God.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie