Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday!

Waking up with a little more ‘giddy-up’ in my step this morning!
I slepted right through the thunder and lightning and apparently so did Riley. And on our off-day from the gym …… oh so thankful!

Oh it’s a rainy and a cool day …… actually I think it’s cold, for Texas but oh how I love it. It’s so true …… after a long hot, hot, hot summer the cooler temps are so welcomed here. It’s time to layer things; pillows, throws, comforters, fuzzy socks, Ugg boots …… oh I could on and on and on.

This Fall season and the upcoming holidays will be ever so special. Two sisters living in Texas now …… IDK …… its a dream come true!

Having family here makes life so special. Especially as we are getting older, oh we are not slowing down. Nope, we are having some of the most special times together. Life is better with Sisters, for sure.

It’s powerful!
Yep, I consider it part of my super-power. Fueled by my faith. I know that I have already been received into the life of Jesus, for eternity.

So what’s your super power?
Oh you have them, we all do. It’s just a matter of tapping into them. Listen to your heart and feel what ignites your soul.
And I believe that my super-powers have changed throughout my life. God has always been with me and has provided me guidance and wisdom. Have I always listen to Him. No, I am human and He knows I am not without sin. Yet, he has never left me and even more ……
He fills me with grace.


I wish for you a day full of love and peace.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie