Thankful Thursday


So much joy inside …… I am about to burst.
I believe joy is not just for a season, it’s a way of living. I know that joy is not the absence of suffering …… I believe it’s the presence of God.
I know for me, when I experience no joy, there is a ‘leak’ in my spirituality and faith. When I walk with that extra little ‘giddy-up’ in my step, it’s the walk of obedience.
Oh so thankful.
So many signs …… it’s magical, it’s glorious and once you get it, you get Him!
I know that you cannot break a person who gets their strength from God.
Oh the negative forces will always try.
But once you begin to realize your heart and soul belongs to Him, you will never be the same person you once were. You begin to understand the value of your voice and once you do …… you know that there will be some situations that no longer deserve your time, your energy or your focus.
It is so freeing!
I found so much joy in my  life when I realized that my identity does not lie in how good I am but how good Jesus Christ is!
So thankful.
And you what, just because my eyes are fixed on Jesus Christ does not mean I do not take my concerns to Him. Oh I do, except now, I know that my joy during hard times, always comes from Him. The joy is not from my merit, it’s from His grace. His grace is my daily strength.  Yep, I turned to Him, always and He becomes my focus because I believe the deeper one gets into sin, the deeper one will feel the effects of sin.
I start each day with prayer and thanks and end each night the same. Oh yeah, I pray all throughout the day, but have found that starting and ending everyday in a quiet corner, cut-off from distractions, brings a sense of intimacy with Him and I get lost in His beauty.
See, told you …… I have so much joy inside, I am about to burst!
It’s a thing of beauty; all gold and white with lots and lots of sparkles.
Watch out, you might get a little on you …… I hope so!
Thankful Thursday!
Blessings from our to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie