Thankful Thursday

It’s Thankful Thursday!
Waking up to another glorious day here in Texas.
I remind myself each day that it’s not important how many candles are on the cake or that I can now predict the weather with my knee …… nope, it’s what is stored in my heart that matters.
Getting older does make most wiser (it’s a cliche for a reason) but it goes beyond that …… way beyond.
It means you have more experiences and knowledge that can be shared with others. It means you actually may have more time than busy parents or working children. I find I have much more patience as I’ve gotten older.
‘Age is an issue of mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter’ (Mark Twain).
Of course I may not want to go out and play a game of football (unless it’s touch),  after all with age comes using some common sense, well for most, hopefully.  Do I sing and dance, well yes I do …… everyday!
I am happy to report that my inner child is alive and well , (do what diddy).
It’s Thankful Thursday, y’all, can I get a hallelujah!
Being retired does not mean my inner child is retired. My heart is alive and joyful and my inner child is right at the surface. Age is no excuse for allowing bad habits, toxic relationships or an unhappy home that will suck the joy from your life. You are never too old to make a change, and live the life you always wanted. This I know.
I will not let the age of my body dictate the age of my soul.
Older & Wiser!
And anywho, who decided there is a cut-off for having fun?
Oh I know my life on this earth will come to an end one day to begin my life in heaven, but until that day …… I will continue to laugh, sing and play in the now.
I really do not talk about the past being better …… why yes, I have many treasured moments stored up, and yet …… no, I don’t believe life was better.
I want to be that old lady who is laughing up until the day she dies,  knowing that my soul is as young as ever until that moment!
Well, it’s about time for another cup of coffee and then a walk with Riley in the neighborhood. Might be the last day for a few, my knee signaled me this morning that rain is a coming, but Riley knows, all that means is a little more dancing inside, BooYah!
Thankful Thursday, all day long!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie
