Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Oh yes, all day long.
Is it me or is time just flying by …… like it’s already May. Oh don’t get me wrong, love the Season (well minus the storms) but yikes it seems like this year is yep, flying by fast.
And of course Riley, my favorite Co-pilot, likes it when we take off and go for a ride …… so yeah, I just take it all in
Be Thankful!
Well I will admit, I sometimes am tested to find it when things just don’t seem to work correctly, like seeing a little drip, drip, drip coming out of my dishwasher, ugh. I guess since my washer and dryer are new, the dishwasher was jealous. Grrrrrrrrr.
But hey, my doctor’s visit this week went very well, so there is that!
Guess I better invest in new appliances since I believe I will be around to enjoy them. Now some of you might be thinking right about now, (she lost it) she gets joy from her appliances.
Oh I love me some nice ‘fluff and fold’.
Gotta keep it real simple, people!
But seriously, as the weather starts to warm up around here, I am feeling the joy in …… everything!
Small things, Big things, all of it.

It’s Thankful Thursday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Help me to continue to fix my eyes on you and feel your presence in my life. You will never let go of my hand, this I believe. Amen.