Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

What a beautiful day we have in store for us. 
Did you know that for me being a ‘dog mom’ is my happier ever after, (Just a little OBV), yes I know! 
Hey, who other to co-pilot with me. 
Riley is the calm presence in my life. Yep, he most definitely sends out his energy. And I believe the environment around us impacts our energy. Humans and dogs! 
Heck if you watch or read the news too much, you will see how much of your energy is impacted. If you work or live with negative people and circumstances- yep it affects your energy. 
My quiet and prayer time will not stop negative or difficulty from making an appearance from time to time but it most certainly provides me the skills to cope and navigate when they present themselves.  I am not saying that auto-pilot is how I cope with things, that would be like living with a blindfold on and taking a nosedive to life. 
And I also believe that everyone’s circumstances should not be compared ……  we all have to find the best way to deal with what’s  on our plates. 
 I know that for me, I look toward the light that He provides to navigate through life. His guidance and support provides me the ability to land safely back home. 

And guess what …… Riley wants to take the lead today, so buckle-up, sit back and enjoy the ride. It’s a clear and beautiful day to take flight. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for providing me the strength and wisdom to walk through this life with calmness and peace. Amen.