Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

I will never get tired of seeing those dark brown eyes willing me to wake up each morning. Oh sometimes it comes with a little woof woof but always so softly at the side of my bed.
Many nites Riley sleeps with me but most times he kinda likes to have the entire house to himself. When we wake up in bed together, this little guy puts his tiny paw on me ever so gently or it might be his wet nose rubbing my arm that signals it’s time to get our day started.
Love them all!
He lives for the day. A lesson to be learned, for sure.
It’s too easy to get sidetracked with the busyness of, well life of course.
Dogs have a way of knowing what’s beneath the surface. You know, instinct and gut feelings.  Well, yes we have those clues too. Now to just ‘hone’ in on them (intuition) which can lead me to a life of peace and serenity.
Sometimes it sounds all too simple. And it is. We make it way too complicated.
So yeah, sometimes I need to remind myself and take my own advice.
It’s fun to try new things for sure and yet I am so thankful for the simple joys of each day.
A fresh cup of coffee. A healthy hot breakfast. Patio time with Riley. The structure and routine of our days will bring the balance that is so needed.
So yeah, I am so so thankful for my little Riley. He reminds me to appreciate every moment as they come and I am grateful for our life and all we have.
Thankful Thursday

Newborn – Riley 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for bringing Riley into my life. I will never forget the day we started our life together. He is my treasure, you are my savior. Amen.