Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday!
Oh my goodness, what a glorious day we woke up to.
My gratitude list this morning with God was quite a lengthy one. And like most days, I am sure I left so much out.
But I must start by saying that yesterday was the 12th anniversary of the passing of one of my dear dear friends, Yolonda.
It seems like I was just talking and laughing with her as we use to compete with how much ‘Smart’ water we consumed, all before lunch,  knowing that the competition wasn’t done until it was 5:00 and we were wrapping up for the day. Well I must admit, Yolonda never quit working. While most people were heading home she was always checking up on things before ending her work day. The girl had amazing stamina. She was always the first one in the office and usually the last to leave. Smart, sassy, loyal and a kindred spirit, for sure and will always be a part of my heart and soul.
And yesterday was a big day for Eddie!
After a visit to his vet’s office for his nail trimming, another quick stop and then his first visit to PetSmart to pick out a new toy.
Oh it was raining and we both got a little wet but Eddie is such a good boy. And he picked out his new chewy, Mr. Raccoon. (Poor raccoon) Ha!
And then the rain finally came to a stop.
Oh no complaints here, it was perfect timing and a great way to usher in September.
And now today, it’s the first NFL game of the season. Almost gives me goosebumps!
My Cowboys stuff is out and I am so ready to watch my favorite team and really all of them. It will be interesting to see how Eddie responds to my pacing during the Cowboys game.
And since he is still a baby, I will most definitely try to remain calm (try to) because even some noises on regular TV shows or movies will jar him awake. And I hate that.
He needs all his baby sleep and I make sure he gets it!
He is five months old, fully house trained and we have established our own rhythm.
Heaven on earth!
Our forecast for the next 14 days is a spectacular one! Lots of sunshine, bright sunny warm days and cooler nights!
Oh my Ghord, I can almost smell the pumpkin spice that will be landing here soon. Wait, I already can smell it, oh yeah …… that’s our candle. A little too early for me to start some Fall baking but it’s a coming!
Slow mornings
Strong hot coffee
Watching Eddie sleep
Seeing the sun rise
Peace of mind
Calm and boring days
People to love
People who love you back
It’s Thankful Thursday and my gratitude list keeps growing.
Dear God, Thank you for providing me wisdom and strength through your Word. You have taught me to love from the heart and guard my peace. My faith is not an emotion, it’s my decision to stand on your Word. May I steward Your grace effectively. Amen.