Thankful Thursday!
Wow, another beautiful winter day. The sun keeps me smiling throughout the chilly, well more like freezing temperatures.
My first morning walk, just me and the whispering winds plus an Eddie. He remains my constant companion, for sure. Heck he is the reason for our early morning walks. A couple of ducks in the ponds, me and Eddie and the wind. Kinda like a story book fable.
Oh I couldn’t imagine it differently.
Nothing better than days that are stripped of fast-paced decisions. Instead, it’s knowing that hot brewed coffee and a yummy breakfast is about to overcome our morning!
I breathe it all in.
When there is no one else out but us, it’s a timeless kind of quiet you can feel in your bones. You know the absolute richness of nothingness made for one’s mind and soul not ears! (Probably a little bit of 24 degree chill too). Ahhh, the healing power of quiet.
When we are alone with no other dog walkers, the quiet natural sounds like the winds and the birds singing are undeniable speaking to my soul.
I think we are all inherently spiritual in our own way. And maybe that comment doesn’t land with everyone. Quietness sometimes comes in new and unusual forms for me too. A hilltop overlooking a valley, a sunny beach with waves in the distance crashing before my eyes, balcony/patio time with wind chimes singing above, a soft comfortable chair reading my Bible, breakfast by candlelight with Eddie laying by my feet, listening to music all day …… oh the list goes on and on and on.
I hope to experience new quiet moments and definitely continue to enjoy some old favorites.
Because one thing that resonates with my heart and soul is that I feel a Holy presence in the tower of silence.
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Of course spending time with family matters too. Looking forward to lunch out with my sister and a little shopping therapy is on our agenda as well!
One of my dear friends and I was discussing some books we are reading. Gosh, I have so many on my list. That’s another great thing about being retired. I most certainly make time to do a little reading other than my Bible. Special days are in abundance.
So yeah, on this Thankful Thursday, I hope you find time to break away and enjoy some quietness of your own.
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