Thankful Thursday

Thank you God.

You take care of me, there is hope always, always.

I am not sure how the day will unveil itself ……


He does and my arms are wide open.

Sometimes it takes my breath away, sometimes it’s a cool breeze, sometimes it’s a warm fuzzy and sometimes I just don’t have words to express it.

A phone call with my sister, a chat with a friend …… it’s funny how things that may not mean much to some, mean a whole lot to me.

We need each other. We love each other and I am truly thankful.

The algorithm of life …… pretty amazing for sure.

The never-ending sparks within my soul.

There was a time when I would feel guilty about being happy and talking about my faith.   But you know what …… those days are long gone.

To express and share how much my faith means to me allows me to not just spread the word about knowing Jesus but how I have reaped his love and blessings by a life well-lived. You know that saying, ‘there is a light at the end of the tunnel’, well I believe it. My soul is a witness that our hearts become softer and aligns with the heart of God through faith.

Faith is the spiritual language of my heart. Faith is the language of my life.

The same power that raised Christ from the dead is living in you. (Romans 8:11)

My strength is given to me through the Holy Spirit. Courage, steadfast, self-control, hope, love and never-ending gratitude.

So yeah, is this a great day or what ……

It’s Thankful Thursday y’all.

My life and experiences build my faith. Yep, you heard me. It’s being built every day. Just because I have faith does not mean I have no doubts. The joys …… the mysteries …… the meaning of life. My faith is what I use to see there is darkness in life, but it’s also what keeps me moving forward with the hope that there is definitely something or someone in me and forever beyond.

God is my energy.

And I am forever Thankful.

Now, get out there. Call your sister, brother, mother, father or a friend. Tell them you love them and are thankful to have them in your life.

Riley and I send you sweet sweet blessings and are thankful you stopped by.


Riley the Scottie

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