Thankful Thursday

Good morning, y’all!

It’s Thankful Thursday and it’s a glorious one, for sure!

When you do it from your heart, you feel nothing but Joy and Thankfulness.

when you do what, you ask ……


Are you predictable …… not me. I am not the same as I was, even from yesterday.

I am filled with spiritual love and romance.

It’s magical and it’s intimate.

Oh, I have always taken responsibility for my actions in my life and always will. I also believe that without God’s hand on my life, well …… then I would only have physical life.

I will not dwell on difficulties and heartaches of life, but on the goodness, beauty and grace He infuses into my life.

Life is gorgeous!

Oh no, I am not the same person I was …… so thankful!

JOY – my joy does not come from happenstance. My joy comes from my relationship with God.

KINDNESS – don’t mistake ‘niceness’ for kindness. Niceness comes from fear of what others may think. I believe kindness encompasses the moral goodness and integrity to know the right course of action and the strength to choose it.

These are my gifts from the Holy Spirit. And, I believe that my attitude and my actions affects how the Holy Spirit works in me.

Life is gorgeous; it’s magical and intimate and I am so thankful.

I hope you take time out today to give thanks.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie



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