Thankful Thursday

Good morning you beautiful souls.

It’s Thankful Thursday, yippee!

Dear God,

Today I ask for nothing. I give thanks that you have brought me this far. Thank you for last night’s peaceful rest. Thank you for bringing me to a new beautiful day with joy and peace in my heart.

Thank you God for this beautiful home here on earth, the food on our table and the love between us.

There have been so many times when I know you were there to rescue me; yet I know there are far too many times when I may not know I am in danger and you will be there.

Thank you God for all the beauty of nature and life right outside my door. My garden is well-watered with your love, and so is my heart.

Another day with a smile on my face, another day to live, another day to witness the sun break and the night fall.

Another day to say thank you to the most beloved God.

Thank you God for my Riley, my family and friends. You continue to bless me more than I deserve.

Thank you Lord, for everything.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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