Thankful Tuesday



Hi y’all!

I hope to find you doing well and thankful for this wonderful Tuesday!

Something I try to do every morning after I wake up, (and of course after hugging my little co-pilot with his daily morning hug) is to take a second and think about how blessed I truly am!

Of course I have days when I wake up with a few more aches and pains than I want to admit or my mind may be racing about all the things I need to get done and already worried I won’t get them all done (talk about self-fulfilling prophecy, huh) ………. well we all have days like this right …… but then ……….  thank goodness,  I get a ‘reality check’ and become obsessed with being thankful, thankful, thankful!

I can be so obsessed …….. and, the one thing I am okay being obsessed about ……  is to start each day with a grateful and thankful heart.

I am thankful for all of life’s challenges. It is not easy to let go of things or people. Something I have learned is that sometimes difficult things and people may enter into your life to show you what you really do want and who you really do not want to be.

I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my little co-pilot.

I worked for so many years in the ‘corporate world’ and the one thing that I learned is that you do not inspire people by showing them how amazing you are, you inspire people by showing them how amazing they are! This is so true in all aspects of life …..

  • Be honest
  • Forgive and forget
  • Keep faith
  • Be kind-hearted
  • Keep your promises
  • Love one another
  • Be Thankful, Be Thankful, Be Thankful

Happy Thankful Tuesday y’all!

May you have a warm and soulful Tuesday.

Riley and I send you love and kindness.

And we would love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof ??

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie


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