Thankful Tuesday!!!


Hi y’all and happy Thankful Tuesday!

Whew …… now that Superbowl is over and you are either happy happy happy because your team won or still a little sad because your team lost the one thing you can be sure of is that today is Thankful Tuesday!

Sometimes just saying it, Thankful Tuesday …………

Automatically will put a smile on your face ….. go ahead …. look at yourself in the mirror and say it …. and yes do the happy dance while you’re at it …..

If there is one day this week when you take time to celebrate yourself …..make it today! Be thankful.

It will warm your soul ……. and you know what ….. when your soul is warm ….. you will warm the soul of others! How grand is that………

Of course life is crazy and unpredictable …… always will be. But you know what, it doesn’t cost a thing to Be Thankful. My mind is a powerful thing and when I fill it with positive thoughts, life is better!

  • List 5 things that you are thankful for
  • Tell 5 people you are thankful they are part of your life
  • Listen to 5 of your favorite songs today
  • List 5 things you like about winter
  • List 5 people who inspire you
  • Hug 5 people today, let them feel the warmth of a thankful soul

There are so many things I am thankful for ……

  • My family
  • My friends
  • My Riley ??
  • Good coffee
  • Kind people
  • People who make me laugh
  • Good conversation
  • Good hair days
  • A soothing cup of green tea☕️
  • Maintaining connections with long-distance friends
  • A little wet nose and those dark eyes staring at me first thing in the morning
  • Red wine?
  • New opportunities
  • Anything chocolate
  • Music?
  • High heels ?
  • The internet?
  • Good health
  • Friends who are always there through the toughest of times

Oh yes my list could go on and on and on ……. Thank you God.

Riley and I send you love and kindness.

We would  love to hear from you, Woof Woof. ??




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