Thankful Tuesday

Thankful Tuesday!
You know that feeling when you wake up and feel energized …… could it be because Riley did not want to start our day until …… well,
let’s just say we most definitely slept in a smidge this morning.

But that feeling of complete rest,  like that rare shimmer of light that is ‘ ‘uniquely you’. Oh yes, my filters are set perfect, thank you very much!

With the signs of Spring popping up all around including my little lemon trees that seem to be sprouting new flower buds hourly, all I can be is;  thankful!
Now I know for some, pulling weeds, getting dirty in the flower bed may not seem like fun,  but it’s the start of one of my most favorite times of the year.
‘chi on that’

I do not nurture my garden …… my garden nurtures me!

Dare I be a little peculiar …… oh I hope so!

Which feeds why I love the simplicity of life; Eat, Sleep, Garden & Prayer-time!

I know that the joy I feel inside is a gift. And I know that my faith is what binds me to the Lord Jesus Christ; faith in His person, faith in His work, faith in His merits, faith in His performance, faith in His love.
I woke up today, I know He is not finished with me yet.
Thank you, God.

Just like the joy that sparks inside of me as I see my plants grow, I know that I need to nurture and grow and hold my commitment to what is true.
I believe God’s grace gives us the freedom to face God and face the truth about us in the light of God’s Word. Knowing we are fully loved and accepted by Him, He calls us to come to Him with everything so that He can help us experience freedom and a more abundant life.
My soul is lit today!

Oh I live in the ‘real’ world. I know that God does not expect me to be happy all of the time, and He knows that I will face struggles in life. I most definitely feel sad about things going on in the world, or struggles that occur in my own life and yet at the same time my heart is full of God. I will never lose my faith or confidence in Him.

I still have a little giddy-up in my step, maybe just a little slower than before and my grey hair is proof of a long life and my crown of glory.

Many people spend their lives in the pursuit of fun, and are some of the unhappiest people I know, because fun is fleeting. However when you set your heart on God, that enjoyment you feel does not disappear. You feel at peace.

Because he provides peace where I have been, peace in what I have been through and peace where I am going.

Oh yes, it’s Thankful Tuesday and all I see is growth and sunshine!


Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie