Thankful Tuesday Y’all!


Hi y’all ….. It’s Thankful Tuesday.

As we face day-to-day troubles and issues here at home and in far away places, it only reminds me to be so Thankful for you ……. my family and friends.

My soul makes its way through a series of joyful journeys each day and reminds me to always see the world with all its obstacles and joys and discover love and faith in all things.

Each journey opens my soul to see its capacity is much greater than I realized and all things must be done with humility. Humility must always be done like a bee making its honey in the hive …….. without humility all will be lost.

And still, the bee is constantly flying around from flower to flower so in this way, the soul must sometimes fly from one gift to another (life is a gift) to see and feel how far we are from being humble.

Today I give thanks to all those in my life and send you love and kindness. My soul is warm just knowing you. And I look forward to spreading the warmth with all the new souls I will meet today.

It’s so easy …. A smile, A hug, A warm heart, A helping hand, A compliment, A sounding board ……

Spread your warmth and sunshine to others today …..warm your soul!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and thank you for all your comments and support,  woof woof! ??

Co-Pilot Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie



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