Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving Eve!
I am so excited! Hope you are too.
Tomorrow will be Family, Food and Gratitude on the menu.
Our morning walk today; crisp air, blue blue skies and not a cloud in sight.
So perfect!
A little house cleaning and then it will be time to start the prep for Thanksgiving dressing. Oh my, pinch me. I can’t wait till the smell fills our home. And yes, I will no doubt have to make a little extra batch for tasting. Shhhhhhh!
It’s tradition, for sure.
I wish Riley could have some, but no can do. Oh of course a few bites of Turkey will definitely be available for him and his cousins tomorrow.
And whatever you do, wear comfy clothing. It’s an all day event and one must be prepared and ready to pace yourself!
Sounds like good advice that I always manage to forget.
The one thing I will have in common with teddy bear tomorrow, both will be stuffed!
Stop, drop and pass the rolls!
Oh I am just gets started.
There is nothing but joy and love seaping out of my pores today. But by tomorrow, well let’s just not over share, Ha!
So as you prepare for Thanksgiving day tomorrow, I hope you are able to be with love ones, enjoy the day and above all give thanks.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie