That Rockin Feeling, Saturday

That Rockin Feeling, Saturday
No, people,  I do not have my dancing shoes on yet …… but it’s early.
I am talking about rockin on the patio (in my rocking chair) every morning as the sun comes up, the birds are singing to us and my hot morning jojo is so perfect. Of course Riley is at his post.
There is just something soothing to me about rocking.
And it’s universally comforting to rock.
Nothing but joy comes from rocking.
Oh yes, I feel my ‘chi’ centering all the way to my soul. And no that’s not the super hot coffee going down. I normally have just one cup but I do make exceptions especially when a cool light breeze makes her appearance and there is nothing on the agenda that can’t wait.
The sounds of the birds are singing as an invite to stay awhile.
And truth be told, even in July in Texas, I will always make time to rock out on the patio in the mornings and evening’s. Why yes, even in the heat of the day I sometimes need to get out of the air conditioning, and I always make my way to my rocker.
Although my afternoon sessions are usually without Riley, it is after all, summer in Texas and he is no dummy. That, and he is covered in black fur, Ha!
The boy is a little furnace …… even  with his summer haircut.
So as this Saturday progresses, I hope you find some time to enjoy the sweet moments of nature from a window, a porch, a patio or a walk. Being outdoors is the best thing for your soul and acknowledging the One who makes it possible.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you so much for another glorious day. Your presence is felt. Amen.