The Eddie Report

The Eddie Report
Wow, this little Eddie is so darn smart. Yep, daily training sessions are working. Yesterday, he added ‘roll over’ to his learned commands. All by himself for the first time!
And teeth brushing is getting better too.
And now that he has his own little townhouse to stay in (which has been the best investment so far), I know that he is comfy with plenty of room to stretch!
It will be quite some time before he gets to run loose in the house when I am gone, did someone say, never …… just kidding!
Hence, the townhouse!
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For such a little guy with a tiny bladder, he does go through most of the night without needing to go outside. Lately it’s been me who is the one waking up for a break so I take him outside and we return to slumbering soon!
He still sleeps quite a bit. We play in between naps to tucker him out before he resumes his siesta.
You just can’t overrate the need for sleep that puppies need. I try to listen to music, write and/or read and give him some time where I try not to disrupt him. If I move too much he tends to follow me so it’s the perfect time to catch up on things on my ipad.
Yesterday while unleashed in the backyard he ate his first grasshopper ……ewww. Normally if he is leashed I can stop him but he was too quick. It was pretty disgusting but I know he has eaten other little bugs in the grass and that’s natural, I guess.
Did someone say ‘protein’, ugh.
Still not something I like to see my precious baby doing, Ha!
So summertime is cranking up. And yet our temps are still very tolerable. Our stretch of 100’s will be here soon enough but for now this July has been one for the record books, for sure.
Eddie loves laying in the grass in the shady areas and patio time under the ceiling fan is still a favorite place for some playtime before the heat of the day.
Eddie goes in for another round of vaccinations in a couple weeks and shortly afterwards he will be able to meet his brothers from another mother, Trigger and Brewster!
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I will be a little nervous because he is so small but it will be fun to see all their reactions. All born and bred in Texas and life long buddies in the making for sure!
What a blessing to have Eddie in my life.
Sometimes you have to go through what you have to go through.
I am so excited to watch Eddie grow as we experience all the seasons of life together.
Have a wonder Wednesday!
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(Happy Birthday, beloved Coco. You remain part of my heart and soul)