The Eddie Report

The Eddie Report 

15 weeks old and 10.2 lbs! 
Growing up nicely. As each day goes by I see little Eddie stretching and filling out. 
And as we continue our training sessions each afternoon, he doesn’t miss a beat. 
The ‘roll over’ command is much better now. I’ve tried to see if he can sit up on his hind legs but it seems to be a little too early for that. He is still pretty flopsy! 
But he sits and stays and allows me to pour his food in his bowl and waits until I say ‘okay’ before chowing down, now that’s pretty darn good. 
He got another round of vaccines and his rabies shot! One final in 3 weeks and then he gets to meet Brewster and Trigger! 
I can’t wait till he gets to see other dogs. At least now when he hears them barking from our backyard, he barks right back! And I can’t wait till he gets to see what’s outside the front door. Other than sitting and waiting for me when I go out the front door,  he has been in the backyard or inside only. It’s probably going to be overload for this little guy. 
Some days he sleeps more than others. On days when I have kept him up by moving around and doing housework then I try to let him nap more the following day. 
I can always tell when he wants more sleep and less play time. 
It’s nice for me too because it’s the perfect time to write or read and enjoy the silence. 
Eddie is definitely one of many blessings in my life. 
I can’t wait to explore new things with him as we continue to experience life together! 
Woof Woof! 

One ear up! 
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