The Eddie Report

The Eddie Report
There is nothing better than watching your dog enjoy the life you are giving him. And although Eddie is not quite 6 months old, this little guy continues to surprise me every single day. Hard to believe he arrived home just a little over 3 months ago. He listens, watches and we have established some very nice routines. 
Morning coffee out on the patio today was a perfect start! 
He is definitely a gentle soul. When he naps on my lap it sometimes brings me to tears. (happy tears) And since he is stretching out so fast,  he now lays across my legs more often than right next to me. But we do enjoy our rock-a-bye baby time when he curls up next to me – and the rocking puts him to sleep and sometimes me too! It’s super special. 
He doesn’t sleep all day anymore and I know that’s my cue to use some of our day for setting boundaries, correction training and of course play time. Oh I love it when he gets the zoomies. He darts in and out especially after bath time or sometimes after his morning meal. And our hide and seek time is real fun, and yes he always finds me no matter how much I try to trick him. 
Our temps are still fairly warm but we have started to spend more time outside and he loves it. So do I! 
We have some areas where grass is still growing due to a recent yard project that I water daily  and after showing him not to go there, he doesn’t. He may walk close to it but all I say is no and he stays out. Such a smart boy. 
 I have never believed in hitting your dog and I really don’t like to yell at them either. Oh I will raise my voice some, to get his attention but thats all it takes. 
Does he always obey – not yet. 
But he is definitely learning. 
And I guess you can say, I am learning too. 
When he is sleeping or just chewing on a toy, I give him his space. His townhouse door stays open during the day and many times he goes in there for his naps.
I definitely believe there are times to show and give affection. And there are times to provide structure; rules, boundaries and correcting them for behavior you don’t want. It’s important to remain calm. Hey I know that is not easy if they just ate your favorite shoe. 
But if you think about it, when our parents yelled at us, it really didn’t make matters better. It might just cause damage to your relationship. 
I believe they read our body language. Riley did and now Eddie is the same. There are times when Eddie wants to be picked up and lay in the chair with me, I read his cues.  And yes, there are times when my instinct say pick my baby up & hold him …… but I know he doesn’t want to be held so I refrain. 
I also believe that structure and rules with positive rewards is what they understand. They don’t understand exceptions.
My oh my,  I have definitely learned so much these past few months. 
And I have seen Eddie exhibit so much progress. He is one happy healthy and confident little Scottie that melts my heart. 
I’m here to make his world feel like heaven on earth and not the other way around. 
That is the ultimate blessing! 
🐾🐾 🩵 🐾🐾