The Next Generation

The Next Generation!

Oh yeah, there is a new family member in our home. My heart springs with joy once again.
His name is Eddie!
He is 8 weeks old. And after a couple of days he has started to voice himself.
Oh my, how the puppy-training days and all the memories return.
Up each night every two hours to do his business.
Did someone say sleep deprived!
The noises in the neighborhood especially other dogs scares him but he will eventually get use to them. The first couple of days he pretty much stayed in the family room but has started to explore inside a little more. Of course I stay hot on his trail and the word ‘No’ is a constant.
Time and patience and it will all work out. I’ve got both.
I know in the long run it will pay off  because I will have another well mannered Scottie!
Please help and guide me Lord!
I just have to remind myself that it will take months and I’m okay with that.
I think after a few days he is already starting to know his name and he definitely knows the word ‘No’.
And we already started leash training. The first day he bucked it, but the next day he actually did real good. Potting training is going fairly good. He has had a couple dribbles on the floor but is getting better. It’s up to me to know when to take him outside …… often!
He sleeps a lot and I don’t always take a nap when he does but if the urge hits me then I find I can place him on my lap and we nap together.
🩵 🩵 🩵

And guess what, we will have about three days in a row of no rain, yippee.
The poor little guy has been swishing around in our back yard and is soaking wet each time we go out, but we have a little reprieve. Oh the heat is on for sure so it limits how long we stay outside, but this little one needs lots of sleep for now anyway.

So if you see me with dark circles under my eyes, then you know why ……
And yet the love and joy this little guy brings to me and our home is so worth it.
I can’t wait to watch Eddie grow up. And after he is fully vaccinated he will get to meet his best friends, Trigger and Brewster.
🐾🐾 🐾🐾
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I have a dog by choice. I go without and give up things and regret nothing. My dog always comes first.
Happy Puppy Days are Here!
Thank you my Lord.
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Gone but not forgotten.
(Riley was my first Scottie. I will never never ever forget the love and happiness that Riley brought to my life. And yes, my mind still talks to him and my heart will always have a place for him. But my soul knows he is at peace and pain free.
And although our time together felt way too short, I thank God everyday for allowing Riley to change me.)