Three times Tuesday

Three times Tuesday!

Oh no, another glorious morning and one definitely for the books. These cooler mornings are spoiling me. Perfect to stay in bed a smidge longer.
Oh, I just love Fall!
I have to admit, it was a little hard for me to fall asleep last night, c’mon,
that Cowboys game …… yep an exciting one.
And it felt so good to win in NY.
Even Riley was up way past his bed time. This guy was sitting outside for most of the game, keeping guard as I paced and sipped on my jack and coke. Boom!
Oh, I remember those SB winning years but I would rather live in the now
and am
so hopeful we can get to the big game again and bring a championship home.
A girls gotta have hope.
Some of you ‘negative’ types may call it dreaming but my dream ingredients are covered in silver and blue!
Oh, I just love Football!
Cooler temps makes me feel so alive. I got that good feeling. Heck even the street sweepers were out this morning. Wait, what …… street sweepers. Yep, we still have them.
Speaking of sweeping …… I like sweeping my patio everyday. I even started the season with a full-on power wash before the Fall decor came out. It’s my way of telling my patio who brings me so much joy – thank you.
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Time unfolds differently for each us. I prefer to make the most of every moment. Oh I look forward to the new seasons with anticipation for sure. I pay attention to them, I am astonished by them and I write about them!
And Fall …… oh so special. I don’t think about pumpkins until Fall and then I sorta kinda get a little obsessed. And not just the orange ones, though they are the classic, I love all the different versions.
I don’t think I have ever met anyone who doesn’t like pumpkin spice. Well, let’s just say that would  then require me to unleash my flying monkeys. Hey, they say it’s tough being the family witch, but …… someone has to step up and take one for the team!
Anyhoo, we can’t all come by bubble!

Three times Tuesday!
Make it a pumpkin spice kind of day!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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Dear God, thank you for showing me the beauty of this season. You continue to do something  in me that is beyond words. You are the God that fights for me. Hallelujah. Amen.